Locking collision


You may encounter this problem:

from pytest_lock import FixtureLock

def test_lock_sum(lock: FixtureLock):
    lock.lock(sum, ([],))
    lock.lock(sum, ([1, 2, 3],))
pytest --lock


Failed: No lock found, please run the lock of this test.

The problem is that to differentiate between successful tests that are not due to locking and those that are in the process of being locked, lock.lock returns a skip rather than a passed to indicate that this test is not a successful test, nor failed because it is no longer a failed test. The problem is that skiped as failed terminates the execution of the test function, so future uses of lock.lock are simply ignored.


Use pytest.mark.parametrize to run the test for each argument, so you can have the test lock for all arguments. Your next use of pytest will no longer return this error

from typing import List

import pytest
from pytest_lock import FixtureLock

list_args = [
    [1, 2, 3],

@pytest.mark.parametrize("args", list_args)
def test_lock_sum(lock: FixtureLock, args: List[int]):
    lock.lock(sum, (args,))